TightSpot Rise - A Whitetail Hunter's Quiver

Don't Treestand hunters need a quality quiver?
Tightspot has a new, high quality quiver out for 2019 aimed at treestand bow hunters. And why not? Don't treestand hunters need a good quality quiver? Tightspot is well known to western hunters as being the best quiver to keep arrows when attached to your bow.Tightspot Rise
I think a lot of whitetail hunters would look past a quality quiver, but here is why I think the new TightSpot Rise should be on their list.Attach it to your bow
Why put a Tightspot Rise quiver on your bow? And why is it the best whitetail hunting quiver on the market? Two reasons, arrow holding and adjustability. The Tightspot is simply the best arrow holding quiver on the market. It has proprietary arrow grippers that you will not find on any other quiver. It will even hold those 4mm micro diameter arrows tight that seem to escape every other quiver.
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