S&S Archery's Ultralight Tripod Guide

Backcountry Ultralight Tripods

Why is a having a good tripod important?
First of all durability and build quality are essential in the backcountry. Any piece of equipment prone to failure is not worth carrying. There is nothing worse than hauling you and your gear to the top of a mountain, only to find out that 1 piece of gear is bad, rendering 2 or 3 other pieces deadweight. A spotting scope, pan head, camera, and binoculars (if you are not glassing with binos from a tripod, you NEED to be!) are all useless without a tripod. Don't make the mistake of getting a tripod to mount all that expensive (and heavy) gear on if you can't count on it to perform.What makes a tripod “Good”?
A good backcountry tripod should have the following characteristics in order of importance:-
- The whole purpose behind a tripod is to provide a stable platform by which to glass and or shoot. Don't lose sight of the most important feature when trying to cut costs.
- It seems like I am never glassing from the same exact spot twice. And different positions require me to adjust and deploy the tripod differently every time. Make sure your tripod is adjustable to allow you many different positions yet still giving you a stable platform to glass from.
- If your tripod breaks, you are now carrying a lot of weight in glass for no reason. Get a durable, well-made tripod. Carbon fiber legs generally point to a quality tripod, although not always.
- Your tripod should not be more than about 2 lbs. Obviously the heavier the tripod, the more stable it should be. We like carbon tripods for weight vs strength but remember the law of diminishing returns here. Even a standing height tripod should provide a stable platform and still be around 2 lbs.
Twist Lock Legs
- Why Twist lock over Lever Lock legs? Twist lock legs will not catch on branches, pack straps, etc. and are easy to remove from your pack side pocket. Lever locks need to be adjusted/tightened occasionally, and twist locks do not. The more weight you put on a twist lock, the tighter it gets.
Quick to deploy
- When on the move, I am constantly setting up my tripod to get a closer look at an animal. Being able to quickly deploy your tripod is crucial, especially if you are wanting to get pictures or video through your scope.
Less than $300
- We have four tripods that meet all these specifications for under $300. I don't know why you would need to spend more.
Slik 634 Pro CF

Slik 624 Pro CF

Promaster XC525c

Slik CF-522

Pan Heads
Depending on your setup, a pan head can make or break your glassing experience. We only have 3 requirements for our pan heads.- Smooth, not sticky. Esp for those micro movements when glassing at long range.
- Lightweight (around 1 lb or less)
- Locks down firmly and precisely.
Benro S2

Promaster 6160