Benro S2 Video Head

Benro S2 Video Head

Friction Point
Very few heads in this price range or even double this price range have what i call a “friction point”. For most the friction point is not important, but I wanted to point out that while it's small on the S2, it IS there. The friction point as defined by me as that point where you can tilt the head and have it stop without having to lock it down. Obviously, this is harder with larger spotting scopes, but for my Vortex Razor 65mm, and my FOR bino adapter mounted Swaro SLC 10x42’s it is there. Higher end heads (read heavier and more expensive) will have a “friction point” that is much easier to find. For you lucky guys who run an 80mm or larger scope, you’re probably not going to find it on the S2. And there is a tipping point at which any scope's weight will break the S2’s friction point going over the top or pointing sharply up. There is a friction point on the pan side of the head as well however, that's not as important as the tilt.Lock Down
Locking down the S2 is, in my opinion, its strong point. The vertical lock down allows you to glass at low magnification freely. When you find an object that you'd like a closer look at, or when you need to switch to your phone scope, you can center the object in your field of view, lock the head down and zoom in exactly where you left it. No need for correction. Lesser heads force you to lock down the head and do the "freeze your hands" dance as you wait to see where it's going to land, and then repeating until its where you want it. The horizontal lock down on the S2, while not as important as the vertical, is not as perfect. When locking down, there is a bit of travel to the right. However this is a somewhat predictable shift, so with a little bit of practice, you can overcome.Pan Tilt
Pan and tilt on the S2 are smooth. Again for this price point, being a fluid head, it's very smooth. I found that by adding just a touch of friction (turning the tilt lock) can increase the smooth feel of the head.Features

- Included on the base is a built-in bubble level. Not super important on the side of a hill unless you're filming. But it's nice to have none the less.

- The handle can be twisted to change its angle. This allows the head to fold down nicely against the tripod, and also to adjust out of the way when you're right up close to your spotter. The handle can also be switched to the other side of the head.

- The sliding adapter plate locks into place and has a safety lock to keep the plate in place in case you forget to lock it down.
The $85 Benro S2 is the best pan head we have found for the backcountry hunter under $200. Did I mention the 5-year warranty? That says a lot about the manufacturer's confidence in their product. Register here for the 5-year warranty!