Help! I need more left windage on my Black Gold sight!

More Left!!
Are you trying to setup your Black Gold sight, and finding that you need more left windage? This is a problem that is becoming more common with increasing riser widths. But fear not, most of the time there is a reason why you need more left windage, and it has more to do with your rest and bow tune than the sight itself.
Tune Tune
Step 1. Is this a new bow? If so, make sure your bow is tuned properly! Shoot through paper, is your rest is tuned correctly? Check out Mark's great write up on paper tuning your bow here.
Step 2. Walk back tune your bow. Again we get help from Mark on walk back tuning here.
Still need more left?

A little known adjustment baked in to the 1st axis mount allows you to move the sight left on the base. If you remove the top and bottom screws of the football shaped 1st axis adjustment mount you’ll see that you can move the mount over to the left.
Remove the 2 inner screws and move the "football" shaped mount over one position.
Re-attach your 1st axis mount, re-level your sight to the bow and shoot.
